Ensure that immigrants and refugees receive the education and support they need to achieve their goals.
Your financial support makes a real difference in the lives of our students. Donations help fund scholarships, purchase textbooks and classroom supplies, enhance workforce development opportunities, and develop outside-the-classroom services such as:
- health screenings
- pro bono legal services
- job placements
Donations of any amount are appreciated. To give, either click here for our secure platform or mail a check payable to "Washington English Center" to the address found at the bottom of this page.
Other ways to support WEC's work include...
Sustaining Donations
Give a gift that keeps on giving: establish a recurring automatic donation to WEC through our secure online donation service.
Employer Gift Matches
You can often double the impact of your donation if your employer matches charitable contributions. Speak with your employer to see if this option exists.
Securities Gift Transfers
Donating stocks, bonds, or mutual funds can offer tax-savings benefits and help you avoid capital gains tax on the sale of assets.
Email us if you have question
Life Insurance Policy Gifts
Insurance policies purchased to support children who are now grown may hold significant value. This, in turn, can be used to make a generous charitable gift.
Retirement Plan Distributions
Making a minimum required distribution—or other qualified charitable distribution—from an IRA or similar retirement fund can often reduce income tax penalties.
Email us if you have question
Joining the Legacy Society
Planned giving is easy to establish and can be adjusted if your giving priorities change. By naming WEC as a recipient in your estate plan, you become a member of the Legacy Society—a distinguished community of like-minded philanthropists.
Foundation and Government Support
WEC's general operations and, occasionally, specific programs are made possible through the generous support of private foundations in the DC metro area and beyond—as well as through funding from the DC Government. Recent private and government grantors include:
Responsible Stewardship
We do not take for granted the gifts entrusted to us by our donors! WEC leadership ensures that every dollar we receive is spent wisely, in support of our mission to provide affordable English-language instruction and workforce development services to adult immigrants using volunteers.
WEC has a successful track record that spans more than 30 years. To quote Barbara Harman, Founder of Spur Local (formerly The Catalogue for Philanthropy): “People want to know where to give and they need trusted information. Based on our in-depth review, we believe that Washington English Center is one of the best community-based nonprofits in the region.”
Click here for examples of WEC's work in the community.
Need Additional Information?
If you have questions or would like to discuss a potential gift in detail, please contact Phillip Carlisle, WEC's Director of Development, via phone at (202) 800-4683 or via email at pcarlisle@washingtonenglish.org.
Washington English Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Its tax identification number is 52-2106206.